Friday, December 24, 2010

009. "Me Too!?!"

When you complain, you KNOW you want people to hopefully help you out on the situation.
Instead you get a reply "Me too!" then the conversation dies, or a "OMG I've been through that hun."

C'mon now people.

They then proceed to talk about THEIR experience. -_-

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

008. Shitty facebook pictures.

I hate most of the profile pictures people have on my friends list. In order to get rid of those annoying pictures, i have set up a rule system:

1.) Pull your fucking shirt down.
2.) Eliminate the duck face and wash your mouth with soap.

4.) Stop trying to look sexy. You're not. (sorry there isn't a picture, it would cause too much drama in my personal life.)

5.) Rotate your picture however many fucking degrees so that you are right side up. kthnx.

6.)Off with those fake nerdy glasses. Better yet, off with your head. (hehe <3 yeahyeahyeahs)

(SIDENOTE:Omgesus, i just found one containing all of the above  ) fml

7.) It's fine to have a picture of you kissing your significant other, but damn not as your profile picture, no one wants to see that. If you just upload it not being your profile picture, then at least we all have the choice not to look at it.

8.) Take a current picture. I don't care how adorable you were when you were a baby, i just need to recognize who is adding me. 

9.) To hell with myspace ID numbers on pictures, THIS IS FACEBOOOOOOOKKK!!! (in the this is sparta tune?)

10.) Is there some sort of prep pose? like the one where you put your hand on your hip and bend away from the other person (if applicable)? Straighten your back and put your arms down. Mk that's better.

-- I could go on. no, really, i can. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

007. Piercings becoming a shallow trend.

Maybe this only bothers me, and may lessen my readerss....

But haven't you noticed that people these days are getting piercings because they thought it "looked" good on others and not because they want to be unique?

People are getting so many piercings around my school, that it looks so fucking cheap to even have piercings.

This is bugging me so much. Before this trend was even started i had at least 9 piercings, but now i just look like a conformist. A typical, cheap, high schooler.

Awwwww shiieeett, I'm so badass, i got 2 earlobe piercings. Imma Diva.

A lot of the piercings i see are so unoriginal, and it's so obvious that they're just following the trend (posers) because everyother person i pass in the halls have the same one.

Fuck you trend whores. Fuck, You.

006. Days where all statuses in facebook are the same.

I hate it when you see the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER.
What's worse is if it happens on the website you stay on the longest...

I hate days like snowdays, because all of the statuses you see on facebook are :

While this person clearly states what i was thinking:

Do you know what I'm talking about? DON'T even get me started about Christmas is like for Facebook.... >.>

must... stop... usinggg... faceboooooookkk!! >.<

Sunday, December 12, 2010

005. Unnecessary Geek Glasses Trend.

High schoolers are doing it. Justing Bieber is doing it. A lot of A - listers are doing it.
And I think i'll start to need them if I see one more person wearing them.

People are going around wearing thick, black trimmed eyeglasses, with and without prescription because it looks "cool."

I've even seen some people poking the lenses out of the 3d "RealD" movie glasses just to have that "cute" geeky effect.

The kick is that in high school, most of the people i see wearing them are the already annoying, conformist, white, (with an occasional Asian in the clique) preppy, bitches. Oh ,God help society now.

Damn girl, yous a sexy bitch.

Am I the only one bothered by this?

There is even a facbook page for it...

I died a little inside.

Friday, December 10, 2010


I wasn't exactly sure how to introduce this topic, so what better way than to insert a comic?
It has happened to us all, admit it, you sly monkey.

This situation wants us all to bite whoever ignored you. 
You go to them everyday and remind them of important events but it just seems to go out the other ear. 
When the day arrives, they blame you for not reminding them, when you already have. Approximately: 3912384873861.08243753 times.

So in conclusion: bite them. (just kidding.. kind of.)

003. Females who pretend they are gamers.

I can understand why girl gamers are "hot" towards guys and/or maybe even girls... but posers?
Are you really that desperate to have a boyfriend that you're pretending to love video games, and and know how to actually work an Xbox controller? 

Aside from that, they tend to use words that scratch the surface of gaming, such as noob, during class. That's the only word, say Suzy, uses and in her mind, somehow the thought of being a genuine gamer is drilled in her tiny little brain.

about 4 months ago: 
Girl: ZOMG, do you play Call of Duty, Black Ops? coz' i tottally frickin do. :]
Me: It's not even out yet. wtf. *Head to a brick wall*
Hai guys, I have found its function!.. and my talent!
one word: Desperate.

Monday, December 6, 2010

002. Misleading school assignments.

Teacher: So today class for homework, classwork, pop quiz (circle one) I am giving you this sheet of paper.
Students: *in a synchronized fashion*AwWwWwW. 
Some kid: Dis shit be gay, yo.
Teacher: It's only 20 questions! Settle down kids. Settle down.
Me: *recieves paper*

My horrible paint skills

The questions tend to be followed with subquestions, which are disguised by letters instead of numbers...
20 questions my ass, and my example goes to the letter J (hypothetically) (complete bullshit), meaning it truly has 200 questions.

We've probably all complained about this at least once in our lives.

001. Protective screens, and the refusal of removing them..

It bothers me to see electronics, and whatever else comes with protective screen to still have them on after days and months. I know people who refuse to take them off, even though it hinders their vision of whatever is on their screen.

Girl: Hey, *squints* i can't read this message.
(hands me phone)
Me: Well, shit, of all the airpockets your protective screen has...... just take it off already
Girl: Noooo it'll get scratched.
Me: *facepalm*

In the picture above, I have indicated the air pockets that I've been talking about.
(found the pic on google. Jus' sayin')
Also the protective screen for mostly shipping purposes.

Me:  *takes protective screen off* Oh it says that he wants to ...
Girl: *screams* NOO!!! (like it's some sort of blasphemy)
Me: ... with you.

Then she proceeds to line up the corners, lay the protective screen out and tries to scoot away the little air pockets made, even though doing that creates many small ones for a large one you try to get rid of.

A few months later, the thing is still on.